Clarity laser hair removal is a non-surgical, non-invasive way of achieving permanent hair reduction for all skin types.
It works by emitting a laser beam that travels through the skin and is attracted to the pigment in the hair. The energy then flows to the hair follicle growth cell to inhibit further hair growth. All hair removal lasers work by targeting the pigment within the follicles, which means the darker your hair, the easier it will be to treat.
However, Clarity has two wavelengths and a proprietary technology that can result in quicker and more effective treatments for all skin tones. Most patients experience a mild “snapping” on the skin as the laser is moved over the treatment area. The specialized cooling system that Clarity has makes sessions very comfortable.
Sessions are quick and easy and after 8 sessions you will no longer have that unwanted hair.
$700 – $2,700

Request Your Appointment
We look forward to being your partner in looking and feeling your absolute best! To schedule a consultation or treatment, please fill out this form and one of our patient coordinators will reach out to you.
The Grand Resort’s Med Spa
One American Way, Warren, OH 44484
(330) 609-8814